Selection of tensile strength of stainless steel wire rope
Stainless steel wire rope is a kind of rope with multiple or multiple stainless steel wires twisted together and then twisted into a spiral shape around the rope core. Stainless steel wire rope is widely used in our lives, and it also has its dedication in daily use, such as elevators and so on. Stainless steel wire rope has high strength and is not easy to break, which is one of the main reasons why it can be used in some personal equipment.
Here we come to understand the selection principle of tensile strength of stainless steel wire rope:
High tensile strength can improve the dynamic load capacity and kneading resistance of stainless steel wire rope. However, with the increase of tensile strength, the resistance of stainless steel wire rope decreases and the stiffness increases. Simple fracture under heavy loads and repeated zigzags. That is to say, the tensile strength of stainless steel wire rope is not the higher the better, the need to be considered. Tensile strength 1400-1850mpa stainless steel wire rope has good tensile strength, kneading resistance, wear resistance and other inductive functions are the focus of crane operation organization, tensile strength of 2000MP steel wire rope very few.

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